Ecommerce Demand Balancing US Warehouse Supply
Warehouse Supply vs. Ecommerce Demand
The rise of ecommerce and the ever growing demand for products has shaped how goods are being treated from manufacturer to consumer. Less and less we rely on brick and mortar retail stores. Now there has been a shift to purchase your goods online and have them delivered straight to your doorstep. This has caused a change in how people are doing business and why we are moving towards a balanced equilibrium of warehouse supply and consumer demand. Recently stories have surfaced about how the supply for U.S. warehouse space is decreasing. This is good news since warehouse supply has always been greater than consumer demand. In fact, 2018 marks the least amount of empty warehouse space since the year 2000.
Capitalizing On Warehouse Space
Anytime warehouse space is becoming available businesses are capitalizing on the opportunity to use their space. The problem some people are projecting is the demand for products is increasing at a faster rate than the amount of supply available. However, the good news is industrial warehouse space is simple to build, therefore too much demand will only lead to an influx in industrial production. This change affects business owners the most because they have to decide whether to continue with traditional retail or move to a more modern online purchasing model where industrial warehouse space is at a premium. Business owners have to weigh the costs and benefits associated with both methods to see if one favors the other, or decide on a healthy balance between traditional brick and mortar as well as industrial warehouse space.
PCB Freight Management Can Assist You
When deciding on Freight services it is important to understand the flow of your goods from start to finish. Whether you need assistance shipping your products by air, ocean, highway or rail, PCB Freight Management has the experts who can organize your shipment and get your goods to their destination with care. Please contact us for all of your freight forwarding, warehousing and customs brokerage needs.